
Monday, October 22, 2007


Work actually wasn't too bad. No crisis for a change. We did get into the dreaded politics talk yet again at work. I try to avoid these as I am about the only democrat that works there. Politics is just one of those areas where people dig their heels in. Natually they started spouting christians values at me. I told them I wasn't a christian so why would I vote according to christian values. Also while scanning some files to the shared drive, when I went in to rename the files I saw a bunch of files sitting there. I thought they were some that J had scanned before I started helping her so I was going to rename them and put them in the right folder. Turns out they were resumes for operations manager. None of us even had a clue they were looking for an ops manager. Now I wonder if its for our warehouse or the other warehouse. I hate not knowing whats happening.
I was so tired when I came home though that basically I haven't done anything but play on the Internet. I need to do laundry and dishes but I get so tired of cleaning house. Going to watch a new episode of Girlfriends tonight though.


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